2009年10月26日 星期一

You don't need a title to be a leader (Sanborn, M., 2006)

Sanborn, M. (2006). You don't need a title to be a leader. London: Random House Business Books.

The six principles of leadership:
1. self-mastery
2. focus
3. power with people
4. persuasive communication
5. execution
6. giving

Reflective question: How to be a great leader without a title?

2009年9月13日 星期日

Tribes (Godin, 2008)

Godin, S. (2008). Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us. London: Portfolio.

The idea of 'you can lead without a title' is rehearsed again in this book.
Some major ideas in this book are:
1. Leadership is not management
2. Leading from the bottom
3. Effective communication/networking can be transforming exchanges to make change.

2009年8月1日 星期六

Mlodinow, L. (2009). The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives. London: Penguin.

Mlodinow, L. (2009). The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives. London: Penguin.
Chapter 1: Peering through the eyepiece of randomness
"The outline of our lives, like the candle's flame, is continuously coaxed in new directions by a variety of random events that, along with our responses to them, determine our fate. As a result, life is both hard to predict and hard to interpret." (p.4)
"Making wise assessments and choices in the face of uncertainty is a rare skill. But like any skill, it can be improved with experience." (p.6)

2009年7月25日 星期六

the dip: a little book that teaches you when to quit (and when to stick)

Godin, S. (2007). The dip: a little book that teaches you when to quit (and when to stick). London: Portfolio.
3 important curves:
1. the dip
2. the cul-de-sac (dead end)
3. the cliff (rare but scary)

2009年7月24日 星期五

Tribes: We need you to lead us

Godin, S. (2008). Tribes: We need you to lead us. London: Portfolio.

Some of the great ideas as found in the book:
1. Everyone is a leader. Changing the world depends on everyone.
2. Connecting a tribe makes change possible.
3. Leading from the bottom
4. Initiative = Happiness
5. Fear of failure is overrated.
6. Participating isn't leading.

2009年7月19日 星期日

Teachers Matter: Connecting Lives, Work and Effectiveness

Day, C., Sammons, P., Stobart, G., Kington, A. and Gu, Q. (2007). Teachers Matter: Connecting Lives, Work and Effectiveness. Berkshire: Open University Press.

Key points:
(1) importance of career development
  • 6 professional life phases:
  • 0-3 commitment: support and challenge
  • 4-7 identity and efficacy in classroom
  • 8-15 managing changes in role and identity: growing tensions and transitions
  • 16-23 work-life tensions: challenges to motivation and commitment
(2) relationships between school leadership, culture and teachers' lives
(3) maintaining a work-life balance, identity and well-being
(4) connection between commitment, resilience and effectiveness in he classroom


2009年7月16日 星期四

Leading and managing continuing professional development

Bubb, S. and Earley, P. (2007). Leading and managing continuing professional development. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.

Meeting CPD needs= personal growth + school development

But how can we sustain what we get from CPD?

2009年6月21日 星期日

Leadership Mindsets

Kaser, L. & Halbert, J. (2009). Leadership Mindsets: Innovation and learning in the transformation of schools. London/New York: Routledge.
Professional learning = 4Rs